Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Craving Spring

The JOGGER! I feel bad I haven't kept my double jogger very nice. Ah well ... it still does the job. Amelia and Lily enjoyed a nice family walk on Sunday.

Another random project: I made an easter wreath - Twig Wreath - Garage sale about $3, ribbon and chicks from Thai Pan - $15. Easter Wreath with silly chicks .. PRICELESS!!


Christina, knick name Bina said...

I love a good craft. Now I just need to find more places to store them. Way to go Cathy Stewart, but you are a lot nicer than Martha stuart. Ha

Thinker said...

Probably the snow was doing an early April Fool's on you. We got 10 inches of it. JUST KIDDING! APRIL FOOL'S! :-D

That project was very random.

(Thinker means James)

Penny said...

You're so crafty! I don't even let Aaron see your blog, he would think I did NOTHING! I don't know how you take care of 3 kids, work, cook, and make cute little crafts! I want to grow up to be just like you ;)