Sunday, January 24, 2010

Vintage Amelia

I had to blog this picture.

The dress was Pete's Grandma's (Leona Olsen) when she was a baby. I first found the bonnet and a little baby slip at a garage sale. Pete's mom then found the dress and shall to match.

I got her dressed up for church this morning. She did pretty good during Relief Society. During Sunday School she started SCREAMING!! She was really backed up and I was running back and forth getting diapers and wipes. Gaak! Everyone kept asking what was wrong. Anywho, after getting poop on me and the beginnings of a migraine, we called it quits.

I was able to take some pictures when she was in a better mood. She's pretty cute!


Mary said...

All the effort was worth the priceless picture.

Penny said...

LOVE the pic! She is adorable!

Christina, knick name Bina said...

Ohh my goodness, she is soo precious, I want to HOLD her.

Mommily said...

So Cute!!!

Becca said...

Such a cute pic!