I kept meaning to post a new entry, but everything has been moving at a quicker pace around here.
Highlights of March
- Henrie's baby Blessing
- Phillip learned to ride his bike.
- Pete Coaching T-Ball, & Phillip's first Soccer Game.
- Amelia is learning to go on the potty.
- Henrie is smiling and sleeping.
- Spring weather and being outside!
- Lily had her dance dress rehearsal.
Lowlights of March
- The Flu bug came and went.
- I did mountains of laundry cleaning up lots of potty 'accidents.'
- Looking for missing dogs
Here is a picture of our little lucky charm! Can you tell which one is Phillip and which one is Henrie?

After the wind storm, we had a lot more pine needles to clean up. BUT all of our sycamore leaves were blown into other yards! Yay!! the glass is always half full! We added another swing to the tree. We now have 3 swings one tree and a baby swing ready for Henrie on the other tree.
Here is Phillip digging his mine shaft. He kept drawing plans for his mine shaft during the winter. He also created an outline of the step by step process .. 1) wait for summer 2) dig with my shovel 3) dig with dad's tools 4) get my friends to dig etc.
Phillip even mentioned that he wanted to have a 'mine shaft' birthday party, but his friends don't HAVE to help. Only if they wanted to. He has since said that he doesn't care that much about gold anymore. Now he is looking for diamonds.
Amelia was throwing a fit, so I put her in timeout. I knew she needed a nap but it was already 4:00. I waited a few minutes and peeked in the room and saw this cute little napper on the timeout chair.
I took a picture of our morning ritual. The kids love to wave at the window as Pete pulls out of the garage on his way to work.

Lily's dance rehearsal! She loves being a girly girl! I did my best with her hair. I was amazed by some of the work of other 'stage moms'!

Phillip on his bike!

Phillip's first Soccer game! He really wanted to do soccer, but we had already signed up for T-ball. So we are doing both! Pete is in charge of T-ball and I will be in charge of soccer. ;-)

Here is T-ball practice. There is the GREAT Coach Olsen taking a knee with the 5 and 6 year olds and teaching them the fundamentals of baseball.

In all it has been a busy but fun month! I can't wait for more games, dances, and spring weather to do some planting.
1 comment:
Oh Cathy, what a fun happy post. Your kids are so cute.
Let's work on some mine shaft cookies, complete with diamonds!! or better yet, some dirt (oreo) treats with jewels (those candys made into diamond shapes.
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