Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

It's the BIG 30. I can't believe it! Time flies!

I don't like to brag, but I'm really excited about my new toy. Pete gave it to me early so I could get it loaded with games and movies for our upcoming trip. I got the iPad! yay! I'm a sucker for gadgets. I would sometimes drool, sometimes make fun of the iPad. Deep down I was really jealous of anyone who had one. Pete got it for me to celebrate me passing my test (CISSP test) yay! and for my birthday.

Anywho, I was having a deep thought about the last 10 years. A lot has happened in my life. Your 20's are really pivotal years. As a teenager, I remember church leaders stressing making good decisions, finding a good husband/wife, keeping standards. But it's true. The decisions you make during those pivotal years affect the rest of your life!

Here's a look at the past 10 years of my life

Year 20 - Sorting mail at BYU
Year 21 - Decided to go into Information Systems, worked as a balloon animator
Year 22 - Finally figured out what a computer does and worked at the BYU server room, got a job offer with PwC
Year 23 - Graduated, moved to Philadelphia, started working for PwC
Year 24 - Met Pete, Dated Pete, Got engaged to Pete
Year 25 - Got Married, Phillip was born, Moved to California
Year 26 - Moved to Utah
Year 27 - Lily was born
Year 28 - Pregnant with Amelia
Year 29 - Amelia was born
Year 30 - I got an iPad! ha! Just kidding!


RayAnne said...

Happy, happy birthday Cathy, dear!! Sweet birthday present. Mike got an iPad a few weeks ago, and everyone wants to play with it the second he walks in the door. Wishing you a great next 10 years of your life!!!!

alison said...

You are so funny! Loved looking at those yearly milestones. SO VERY VERY jealous of you iPad!!!!! Happy Birthday! Please get more serious about WWF and I'll start playing you again!

sunshine family said...

I am so jealous! Happy Bday and we are excited to see you guys soon! I am trying to do all my last minute house projects in time!


Mary Mary said...

What are you going to name your ipad? (child #4?)

Mary Mary said...

Ps. I think you need to put the ipad on a babywise routine...only play with it 4 times a day durning "awake/play time." (just kidding). :)

Mommymita said...

My Macbook shares the same birthday as Clara. They both are turning 4 this year and Macbook is feeling her age.

Happy birthday! I'm just wondering what you and the ipad will be doing in 5 years - great things I bet

Anica said...

Happy 30th! I'm happy to have known you for 8 of those 10 years!