Sunday, July 22, 2007

Bountiful Parade

This was my first Bountiful Parade extravaganza. Pete's data announced the parade as usual. Phillip and I wore our matching tye-die outfits. :-)

Phillip LOVED the parade and every chance he could get he would run out in the middle of the street and wave his flags. He especially liked all of the cheerleader groups and dancing groups. Phillip started collecting his own candy and definately had a sugar high by the end of the night.

Good times!!


Cannon Fam said...

Hey guys! I'm sad we didn't get together before we moved to Boulder. Things got crazy that last month! We'll have to definitely hook up next time we're in Utah. You guys should come out here some time. We'd love to have you stay with us. Your little family is so cute! Phillip has grown up so much! I just created a blog too. You should check it out: Take Care, Cannons

Alyssa said...

I can't believe how much Philip has grown!! He's so cute! I'm glad you guys are happy in Utah!

Mommymita said...

Cathy- I love those tie dye digs! Welcome to the world of Utah and the sisters club where projects are taken to the next level. Let the fun begin!!!!