Sunday, July 22, 2007

Bountiful Parade

This was my first Bountiful Parade extravaganza. Pete's data announced the parade as usual. Phillip and I wore our matching tye-die outfits. :-)

Phillip LOVED the parade and every chance he could get he would run out in the middle of the street and wave his flags. He especially liked all of the cheerleader groups and dancing groups. Phillip started collecting his own candy and definately had a sugar high by the end of the night.

Good times!!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Having Fun in Utah!

Well, It's been a while since I've updated this blog. We've been BUSY! We moved to Utah end of April. We were able to sell our house in California. Both Pete and I are working right now. So far so good! Hopefully we'll find a house soon. :-)

Phillip is getting bigger and talking a lot. He likes to waddle around and make duck sounds. He's getting to know his cousins better. He likes to point at their pictures and tries and say their names.

I attached some funny pictures. The first is Phillip playing with his favorite toy: his personal DVD player. :-) He also had fun playing Piano with Pete at grandma and grandpas house.