Swimming Lessons! I was kind of crazy and signed up the kids for 3 sessions of swimming lessons. The hard work paid off and Phillip is on his way to the 'Learn to Swim' class. Both Lily and Phillip are pretty comfortable in the water and can 'swim' about 15 feet. I use quotation marks because they sometimes look like they are drowning when they are swimming. Good job guys! Amelia enjoyed walking around the indoor track during lessons.
Going up to the Cabin - we got to spend some time at Pete's parents cabin. Phillip and Lily decided they wanted to do some 'homework' before they went to bed.
Clowning around at home! Look at Phillip's trick! It reminds me of me and my brother and sisters growing up. We were always 'climbing' the walls. Amelia has a knack for artwork .. on the walls, cushions, and especially herself. The kids favorite craft this summer is painting rocks. We now have some great brightly colored rocks to match our gnome garden.
Take kids to work day! My laptop wasn't working on a day off and I asked the kids ... "who wants to go to Mommy's work?" They all wanted to come! It was pretty hilarious to see how people's heads would turn as I am corralling 3 little kids with 1 on the way. They did have fun spinning in the chair! Notice the hello-kitty toaster with toast shaped paper. Pretty Awesome!
First day of School! I can't believe Phillip is in school already. I cried after I dropped him off. He's getting so big! He has loved the first week of school and it has been fun walking him to school every morning.