Well, If you haven't figured out already, I'm Pregnant! (If you read between the lines I kept saying that I was feeling sick or tired) Ha! Well, I'm officially in my 2nd Trimester and everything is good so far. I'm due end of October and we'll find out what we are having in a month or so. I seemed to have a burst of energy and made Indian food for Pete's sister Penny and her family. She had a baby 2 months ago and I was feeling too tired to pull it together. I made chicken tikka masala, a vegetarian curry, rice, and naan. It turned out pretty good. I currently working on a project to put all of my favorite recipes in a word document. Right now they are all over the Internet and on scraps of paper.

On Saturday, I helped out with a wedding shower for my friend Jessica. I made a fruit tray and a veggie tray, chicken salad sandwiches, and sugar cookies. I wanted to make fruit topiaries with strawberries. I had a vision of doing a vegetable topiary as well, but I just didn't have time. Next time I would only do one, because it took 4 lbs of strawberries to fill the two half-way. ha!

On Sunday we had my parents, Pete's parents and my friend Melanie for dinner. My dad gave a fireside at our ward on the Joseph Smith leg surgery. Everyone kept saying how great it was. We took pictures after the fireside. I was able to capture this 'random combination' picture! ha! Al's son, William, my friend from Philly, Melanie, and Phillip.
Pete has been BUSY with his basement projects. Thursday he tore out all of the ceilings in the basement and any dry wall that needed to be removed. We were knee-deep in rubble and Pete and his parents worked like crazy and bagged all of the garbage. On Saturday, Pete got the jack-hammer to make room for some new drains. They also made about 10 trips to the dump!

Lily is busy as usual. She wanted to wear her cousin Gracie's baby back-pack. It was funny seeing her walk around the house wearing a baby almost as big as her. She now says, 'more' and 'please' in sign language. She can definately say, 'no' and 'dada' and doggie, (which sounds like 'dada').

Phillip has had some fun play-dates with his cousin Gracie. They entertain each other really well and we seem to get more done with the two kids together. I got all of my projects and cooking done. and Paige was able to crank out some papers and studying.